Extensive Architecture

What I enjoyed more about the reading was the first part, comparing Software Architecture with Buildings Architecture. I think the really big point here is that in designing a city architecture is everything and must be very well defined, while with software it is not considered as a fundamental step in the process. Not to say that Software Developers do not pay attention to the architecture, but they do not care that much about it, because it can be changed later, while with buildings it is a lot harder to change after the project starts.

The reading makes its point when saying that if we spot a problem in the architecture of our software it is way easier to solve in the design phase than if we identify said problem during the development phase. Software Architecture should not be as strict as building architecture because software often needs flexibility, but it should be well design.  Without a good architecture software is not maintainable or at least it is very difficult to do so. 

I think the way the author summarizes good architecture as "It can be described in a single paragraph and summarized in one elegant diagram."  I disagree about it being described in a single paragraph because architecture can be complex, but it indeed should be summarized in one diagram and one diagram only to keep it as easy to understand as possible.

The architecture styles he describes are the most common ones and very straight forward although I think as with design patterns there is always room for new styles.

Goodliffe, P. (2006). Code Craft: The Practice of Writing Excellent Code. Recovered from https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/code-craft/9781593271190/ch14.html


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