
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2020

Extensive Architecture

What I enjoyed more about the reading was the first part, comparing Software Architecture with Buildings Architecture. I think the really big point here is that in designing a city architecture is everything and must be very well defined, while with software it is not considered as a fundamental step in the process. Not to say that Software Developers do not pay attention to the architecture, but they do not care that much about it, because it can be changed later, while with buildings it is a lot harder to change after the project starts. The reading makes its point when saying that if we spot a problem in the architecture of our software it is way easier to solve in the design phase than if we identify said problem during the development phase. Software Architecture should not be as strict as building architecture because software often needs flexibility, but it should be well design.  Without a good architecture software is not maintainable or at least it is very difficult to do

Without design there is crisis

I found the documentary very interesting, it first talked about the challenges of the Apollo program. I found very odd the fact that the first contract for the project was for MIT and was for software. I think, many people at that time must have thought that they were throwing out the money as the importance of software was yet to be proven. I think one of the most important parts of the documentary is when they mention that at the beginning they started coding without requirements and without enough information about the software to be made and the hardware it would have to run in. During this project there was a lot of rework because of it, they mentioned that the machine it had to run did not have enough resources, specifically memory, to run the program made. One of the things I have learned during my B.C.S is that first we need to have defined requirements, or at least the best possible definition we can get. It was awesome how the team finally managed to complete the software u


Hi! I am expecting to learn about ruby and how it is used for software development. Also, I want to learn how to properly design software and its architecture. Whenever I am free I like to play musical instruments, learning how to play them is part of the fun. As of now I play Viola, Violin, Bass, Traverse Flute, Accordion, Piano, among others. Also I enjoy going to the movies and reading, I like action and superhero movies and action and philosophy books. The last thing I enjoy the most of my free time is programming contests, I like to challenge myself and try to solve programming challenges.  My favorite band is Red Hot Chili Peppers and Muse and I really like punk rock. As of TV I watched recently the Good Place, Bojack Horseman and The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.  I like mainly comedy series, but I also enjoy drama. I hope you all have a great day.